Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Adventures in Driving

***Disclaimer*** All parents who think that their children are still babies and that learning permits and drivers licenses are in the far distant future, stop reading this now.
     Two weeks ago I gave birth to a precious 10 pound baby named Walker. Last week he got his learners permit. Ok, so maybe it was a little longer than two weeks. BUT, it doesnt feel like it. Time seems to creep through the work week, oil changes, OB/GYN appointments and faculty meetings. Vacations, milk shakes, skinny days, and date nights are gone in a heart beat though! So it is with your babies. You're bringing them home from the hospital one day, (if you chose that route. I realize that some of you may be of the more natural, home-birthing persuasion. More power to you, I like epidurals.)and the next your taking them to the DMV to take their Driver's test. Which hopefully they pass the first time.
       So now we are puttering/driving at break-neck speed down the road of "learning to drive". Watch out pedestrians and cyclists. Newbies like to hug the curb! In all honesty, he is doing a great job. My whiplash is from a completely unrelated incident. Bless him, he's also having to learn to deal with mom and dad simultaneaously barking out instructions while his great-grandmother's warning, "a car is a weapon" rings in his ears. Yes, this learning to drive business is the one part of teenager-dom I do not envy. The ability to down an order of biggie fries and a large cookie dough blizzard without a single ounce ever showing up on the scale to betray you, your biggest worry being an incomplete homework assignment or who you're going to sit by at lunch, those are the things I envy. A little.
       As I watch my "baby" drive, with his Oakley's on, the sunroof back, his music like he likes it, and his hands at 10 and 2, there is really no other place I'd rather be.